
Proactive detection & mitigation of Server Malfunctions

Server monitoring is the process of monitoring all the system resources associated with the server in order to understand resource usage patterns. Similarly, the monitoring service from CloudFence protects the epicenter of your IT by providing these services-

  • Automated, 24×7 alerting
  • Remote monitoring and maintenance
  • Memory consumption, I/O, and network monitoring
  • In-depth and consistent view into parameters

CloudFence's Monitoring Services Delivers

  • Server monitoring for mission-critical computer hardware and operating systems
  • Network device monitoring for network availability and performance
  • Web server and transaction monitoring for URL testing and user experience
  • Database server monitoring for database availability and performance

Benefits of Server Monitoring

We monitor the disk usage in your server on 24x7. We will inform before disk is filled up and starting downtime.
We monitor the hard disk health. We will catch it before your HDD is dead and it will prevent data loss from server
Our custom monitoring platform can monitor the mysql usage and mysql server load from server. So you can catch database abuse.
We will monitor the memory usage including RAM and SWAP usage. So we can catch server before it is out of memory and prevent downtime
We monitor all these services with custom ports and protocols. We will send restart or reboot requests as per the plan.
We will monitor any custom application or services from server as per the request.

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